Institute of Sports Science & Clinical Biomechanics
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M
Tel. +45 6550 4478 - %20var%20addy53973%20=%20%27froberg%27%20+%20%27@%27;%20addy53973%20=%20addy53973%20+%20%27sportmed%27%20+%20%27.%27%20+%20%27sdu%27%20+%20%27.%27%20+%20%27dk%27;%20document.write%28%20%27%3Ca%20%27%20+%20path%20+%20%27/%27%27%20+%20prefix%20+%20%27:%27%20+%20addy53973%20+%20%27/%27%3E%27%20%29;%20document.write%28%20addy53973%20%29;%20document.write%28%20%27%3C//a%3E%27%20%29;%20//--%3E%20%3C/script%3E%3Cnoscript%3E%20This%20email%20address%20is%20being%20protected%20from%20spam%20bots,%20you%20need%20Javascript%20enabled%20to%20view%20it%3C/noscript%3E">%20var%20addy77771%20=%20%27kfroberg%27%20+%20%27@%27;%20addy77771%20=%20addy77771%20+%20%27health%27%20+%20%27.%27%20+%20%27sdu%27%20+%20%27.%27%20+%20%27dk%27;%20document.write%28%20%27%3Ca%20%27%20+%20path%20+%20%27/%27%27%20+%20prefix%20+%20%27:%27%20+%20addy77771%20+%20%27/%27%3E%27%20%29;%20document.write%28%20addy77771%20%29;%20document.write%28%20%27%3C//a%3E%27%20%29;%20//--%3E%20%3C/script%3E%3Cnoscript%3E%20This%20email%20address%20is%20being%20protected%20from%20spam%20bots,%20you%20need%20Javascript%20enabled%20to%20view%20it%3C/noscript%3E"> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Academic career
- September 2012, PhD in epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark
- 2006 Cand. Scient. Sports Science and Human Physiology, 2006. University of Copenhagen
- 2002 BA Scient. University of Copenhagen
- September 2012 - present. Post Doc at RICH (Center for Research in Childhood Health), Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. Full time.
- May 2012 - September 2012. Research assistant at RICH, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. Full time.
- August 2008 - May 2012. PhD student at RICH, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. Full time.
- 2007-2008 Research assistant at RICH, Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. Full time.
- 2006-2007 Project coordinator in a project for families with overweight children. Tumlere & Tonsere, Nivå Gymnastikforening and Fredensborg Kommune. Full time.
- 2002-2006 Consultant of health and physical activity in "+Kidz, a project for families with overweight children" (Rigshospitalet/Børne- Ungdoms- Forvaltningen i Københavns kommune). Part time.
- 2001-2003 Project assistant in a project for families with overweight children "Project Tarzan", Rødovre Kommune. Part time.
Teaching and supervising experience
Teaching on the following Master courses:
- Fysisk aktivitet og Forebyggelse (2013)
- Exercise epidemiology (2009, 2011 & 2012), SDU
- Research Methods (2009 & 2011), SDU
- Physical Activity and Health in Children (2011 & 2012), SDU
- European Master´s Degree in Health and Physical Activity (2012), University of Rome "Foro Italico"
- Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology (2010 & 2011), University of North Carolina, USA
Supervisor of 10 bachelor students and supervisor of 1 master student.
- 300.000 Dkr. from The Danish Heart Association for PhD project.