Area: Sport and Movement Science


German Sport University Cologne
Institute of Health Promotion and clinical Movement Science
Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6 in 50933 Cologne / Germany

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Remark CorneliaSport and Movement Scientist, born in Siegburg, Germany, 1976. Graduated from the German Sports University of Cologne in 2002 (main subject: prevention and rehabilitation), studies Master of Science in Health management (University of Koblenz-Landau).

Worked as a sport-therapist in different inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation centers with neurological and orthopedic patients (2002-2009) and since 2009 at the German Sport University Cologne. Responsible for the practical education of students in the field of rehabilitation for orthopeadic patients. In charge of  therapeutic groups for  patients with arthrosis and spine problems  since 2009.

Since 2011 working as well as associate researcher at the “Center of Health through sport and movement “ at the German Sport University Cologne with the thematic priority health promotion and rehabilitation.




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