Area: Sport Philosophy - Ethics

Article Index


The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, P.O. Box 4014 Ullevaal Stadion, N-0806 Oslo Norway
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Current Position
Loland Sigmund
Rector, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NSSS)

Higher Education
- Pedagogy  (1977-79 Stavanger College), sport sciences (NSSS 1979-81), Nordic language and literature (University of Oslo (UiO) 1981-83), history of ideas (UiO 1983-84), philosophy (UiO 1984-85)
- Master’s degree, sport science, NSSS 1984-86
- Postgraduate studies, sport science, Penn State University 1986-87
- PhD, sport science, NSSS 1987-90

Research and Teaching Areas
- Sport philosophy/ethics
- Theory of sport science
- Epistemology of movement
- History of ideas of sport

Academic Positions
Associate Professor, alpine skiing, NSSS 1990-91
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The Norwegian Research Council 1991-94
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Philosophy, Stanford University 1993
Associate Professor, sport philosophy, NSSS 1994-95
Professor, sport philosophy, NSSS 1995-

Academic Leadership NSSS
Head of Department of Social Science, NSSS 1996-99
Head of Section for Sport, Culture and Society, NSSS 2004-2005
Rector, NSSS, 2005-

International Positions and Awards – a Selection
Member at Large, The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 1995-97
Supervising professor, the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece 2001-
President, The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2002-03
Member of the Scientific Committee, European College of Sport Science 2004-05
International Fellow, The American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education 2004-
Member, the Ethical Issues Review Board, World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) 2004-
Member of the Board (since 2009 President-Elect), The European College of Sport Science 2005-
Experience from a series of editorial boards of scientific journals, doctoral committees, institutional evaluation committees, and academic advisory boards in Europe and the US
Distinguished Scholar Award 2009, International Association for the Philosophy of Sport


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