Vestergaard, Sonja; Patel, Kushang V; Bandinelli, Stefania; Ferrucci, Luigi; Guralnik, Jack M. Characteristics of 400 Meter Walk Test Performance and Subsequent Mortality in Older Adults, Functional Limitation and Disability. Rejuvenation Research. June 2009, 12(3): 177-184.
Vestergaard, Sonja; Patel, Kushang V.; Walkup, Michael P.; Pahor, Marco; Marsh, Anthony P.; Espeland, Mark A.; Studenski, Stephanie; Gill, Thomas M.; Church, Timothy; Guralnik, Jack M.Stopping to Rest during a 400-meter Walk and Incident Mobility Disability in Older Persons with Functional Limitations. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2009, 57:260-265
Vestergaard, Sonja; Nayfield, Susan; Patel, Kushang V; Eldadah, Basil; Cesari, Matteo; Ferrucci, Luigi; Ceresini, Graziano; Guralnik, Jack M. Fatigue in a Representative Population of Older Persons and its Association with Functional Impairment, Functional Limitation and Disability. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2009, 64A(1), 76-82.
Vestergaard, Sonja; Andersen, Christian Kronborg; Puggaard, Lis. Home-based video exercise intervention for community-dwelling frail older women: a randomised controlled trial. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2008, 20(5):260-265
Vestergaard S, Andersen CK, Korsholm L, Puggaard L. Exercise intervention of 65+-year old men and women: functional ability and health care costs. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2006, 18: 227-234.
Vestergaard S, Puggaard L. Training intervention in 65+ year-old men and women: functional ability and health care costs. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2004, 12 (3): 328-329.
Vestergaard S, Era P, Puggaard L. Training effects on Reaction Time in 75-year old Danish Men and Women, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1999, 7(3): 297-298.
Puggaard L, Caserotti P, Christensen LB, Kjær, K, Korsholm L, Vestergaard S, Worm C, Larsen, AH. Fra teori til praksis. Evaluering af testmetoder med henblik på optimale træningstyper for forskellige typer af ældre. [In English: Evaluation of test methods aiming for optimal exercise intervention in different groups of elderly] (in revision)
Vestergaard S. Physical exercise in community-dwelling elderly adults functional ability, physiological capacity, health-related quality of life, and economic aspects. PhD thesis. University of Southern Denmark, University Library of Southern Denmark, Odense, 2006.
Vestergaard S, Puggaard L. Styrk kroppen og let hverdagen – træning tilInstruktionsvideo [Strengthen the body – exercise to and exercise video]. Age Forum 2004, Article in the Annual Report, Published by Age Forum, June 2005.
Vestergaard S, Puggaard, L: Styrk din krop. Ældretræning med fokus på fysisk funktion og forbrug af social- og sundhedsudgifter. [Strengthen Your Body. Senior exercise with focus on physical function and health care expenditure]. Report. Published by the National Board of Social Services. , 2005.
Vestergaard S: Changes in simple and complex measures of psychomotor speed after 8 months of physical activity programme: A study of 75 year-old Danish men and women. Master thesis. University of Southern Denmark – Odense University, University Library of Southern Denmark, Odense, 2000.