Area: Biomechanics - Kinesiology

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Faculty of Sport Science, University of Vienna
Auf der Schmelz 6, 1150 Wien, Austria
Tel. +43.1427748882 – Fax +43.1427748889 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Baca ArnoldProfessor and Dean of the Faculty of Sport Science at the University of Vienna, Austria.
He received the Engineering Diploma in Computer Science in 1984 (with distinction) and the Ph.D. (Thesis: “Variance-reducing techniques for simulation methods in system reliability analysis” in 1986 (with distinction) from the Technical University Vienna. In 1998 he received the Habilitation in “Applied Computer Science in Biomechanics and Kinesiology” from the University of Vienna.
Since 2008 he is Full Professor at the Department of Biomechanics, Kinesiology and Applied Computer Science (Institute of Sport Science) at the University of Vienna. He has been President of the International Association of Computer Science in Sport from 2007-2013. He is Editor in Chief of the e-Journal "International Journal of Computer Science in Sport" and reviewer of several national and foreign scientific journals, such as Journal of Biomechanics, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, European Journal of Applied Physiology. In 1999, he organised the 2nd International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport in Vienna, Austria. Current research activity: Computer Science Applied to Biomechanics - Pervasive Computing in Sports - Multimedia and Information Systems in Sports - Biomechanics of Rowing - Game Analysis.

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