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Department of Interprofessional studies - College of Human and Health Sciences
Swansea University - SA28PP
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He is a former President of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport ( , the Founding Chair of the British Philosophy of Sport Association (; and Founding Vice Chair of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport ( He is a former Member of the Executive Committees of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain ( and the European College of Sport Science ( for whom he is a Fellow, and Member of the Scientific Committee.
Mike is Founding Editor of the international research journal, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy ( He is author of Sports, Virtues and Vices (2008:; Co-author of Research Ethics in Exercise, Health and Sport Sciences (2006:, and he has edited or co-edited a further 13 books, including Ethics and Sport (1998:; Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport (2005:; The Ethics of Sports: a reader (2010: and Doping and anti doping policy: ethical, legal and social perspectives (2011: He Co-Edits the Sports Ethics Book Series (20 volumes) for Routledge ( He has published widely in such journals as British Journal of Sports Medicine, International Journal of Drug Policy; European Journal of Sport Science; Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics, Journal of the Philosophy of Education, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Professional Ethics, and Sports Medicine.