First-year study subjects will cover, along with general aspects aimed at strengthening and widening the basic cultural background, specific aspects related to the theory and practice of physical activity in relation to health and wellbeing, as well as disease and disability, both in general and specifically at the various ages, dealing with such issues as:
- Health and fitness, risk factors and prevention in the general population;
- Movement therapy in functional reeducation & rehabilitation;
- Wellness and coping in disability, chronic disorder, or other limiting conditions;
- Movement in education, maturation and social integration, wellness and creativity, personal growth and expression;
- Ethical issues, advanced IT and research methodology for health and social science research.
Students proceeding into the second year will need to select two different areas of professional formation and learning among the following internship offers:
- Children: Physical Activity in education, growth, development and maturation, and in relation to health and prevention, disease or disability, from childhood to young adulthood.
- Adults: Physical Activity and lifestyle for health and prevention, fitness & wellness, in the general population of average healthy adults, and in special groups with disease or disability.
- Elderly: Physical Activity in relation to health and prevention, fitness & wellness, as well as personal expression, and coping with age problems, disease or disability in the elderly.
- Musculo-skeletal disorders and sports activity joint diseases.
- Movement therapy in orthopaedic rehabilitation.
- Psycho-pedagogic aspects of preventive physical activity.
So, there will be one common path in the first year and several alternative specialisations in the second year focusing on physical activity in disease prevention and rehabilitation.
In the first-year, three Teaching Modules will take place at the University of Rome "Foro Italico", in the Fall-Winter, while the fourth Teaching Module will take place either in Rome in Spring or in partner Universities. In the second year, alternative Internships, involving specialisation learning and work, will then be offered in the Spring-Fall by partner universities, particularly Odense (Children and Elderly), Vienna (Adults), Cologne (Sport Therapy) , Oslo (Psychology), Rome (Movement therapy in orthopaedic rehabilitation).