
Upon completion of the program, the European Master title will be issued jointly by the full partner Universities and be valid in the respective countries to all effects:

Italy - Laurea Magistrale in Attività Fisica e Salute (Classe LM 67) (national title)
Austria - Master of Science (national title, subjected to additional local requirements)
Norway - Master i Idrettsvitenskap (national title, subjected to additional local requirements)
Denmark - Cand. Scient. I Idrate og Sundhed (national title, subjected to additional local requirements)
Germany - European Master in Physical Activity and Health (national title recognition subjected to additional local requirements)

The title will be accompanied by a Diploma Supplement, which will certify the special characteristics of the program, with the intensive exposure to a European dimension and highly specialised teaching and research environment, and the high level of cultural and professional specialisation achieved.

Graduates, or qualified students in corresponding second-tier national programs, may have access to the European Master title upon completion of a special track, designed by the Faculty based on the student’s background and related assessment of integrative requirements, which will as a rule include English proficiency, part of the teaching sessions, a mobility period, and the thesis. Admission and the integrative program will be subject to approval by all partner institutions.

Participation to only parts of the program can also be foreseen for qualified students